Report: Innovative training models, methods and tools for teachers in the digital age

The development of an innovative educational model paradigm able to take into account the digital revolution involved the whole educational community at various levels. Headmasters and school leaders, involved in enhancement of strategic analysis, assessment both of educational environments and methodologies and experiences for incorporation of digital technologies in the educational practices. Management school needs to develop planning skills to evaluate key digital opportunities and risks in procedural and organizational perspective.

National ReportInnovative training models, methods and tools for teachers in the digital ageexplores the governance practices to understand the following areas of analysis:

  • Innovative policies implemented in Partner countries;
  • Significant experience spread in Partner countries;
  • Classification of the profiles and skills of the operators of educational institutions in the field of ICT;
  • Best practices and educational successful methodologies, spread in the Partners countries, for training teachers to facilitate their integration of ICT in educational context and processes.

The national researches “Innovative training models, methods and tools for teachers in the digital age” (IO2) have been realized from February to May 2017 and it has been conducted using a qualitative methodology: focus group (2/3 focus group for any partner country, involving a total of around 130 school leaders and headmasters) and in-depth interview with key actors (policy makers, decision makers, institutional representatives). At least 30 among policy and decision makers – 5 for any partner country – were interviewed with the objective to evaluate the steps taken by relatively governance integration of ICT in education system and teaching practices.

National researches were based on template and tools (IO1) provided by Roma Tre University and they present:

  • A reconstruction of the national scenario: trends and policies activated at national level in relation to the introduction of training models and successful methodologies to integrate into school staff digital competences;
  • A framework of the main national laws and legislative funding programs;
  • The identification of local good or best practices.

During the 2nd Transnational Partnership Meeting in Bradford (UK) in June 2017 each partner presented the findings from their national reports. In a comparative view some common elements emerge from national researches: in each partner countries innovative examples of digital teaching are widespread patchy; furthermore, in many cases there is a lack of a systemic vision or strategy that leave the responsibility for digitalisation to each schools and institution. For some schools, this freedom to set their own policy has meant that they have been able to develop some extremely innovative examples of digital teaching; on the other hand, this approach does not guarantee universal coverage or quality.

The comparative report with all the research results is available online at this link:

IO2 – Innovative training models, methods and tools for teachers in the digital age
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