
Digital Skills Europe


Bonato Rossana, Istituto Comprensivo Di Monselice “G. Zanellato” (Pd)
Dasara Francesco, Itcg-Enogastronomico “Luigi Oggiano” – Siniscola (Nu)
Sozzi Isa, Istituto Comprensivo Di Brivio (Lc)


A multidisciplinary path that starts from geography is born from the idea that the environment and the landscape are composed of different levels, of stories made of present, past and future. The journey is the dimension that lends itself to searching for several levels on different disciplines. New technologies applied to teaching allow pupils to navigate in different worlds that are still unknown or just intuited through tools powerful and interactive. Work environment in which the students can elaborate proposals and compare themselves is GDrive, the platform in which to retrieve-deliver material and document the learning processes is WeSchool. This creates a collaborative space very powerful, which extends school time and turns it into a collaborative research laboratory with new spaces and extended learning times. The digital skills become the engine for a new way of bringing young people closer to research, deepening, critical and collaborative study.

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Learning Fractions by Scratch 3.0


Bruno Laura, Liceo Scientifico Statale “Camillo Cavour” – Roma
Pietropaoli Elisa, Istituto comprensivo “Giuseppe Montezemolo – Roma
Pietropaoli Emanuela, Istituto comprensivo “Giuseppe Bagnera – Roma
Saba Giovanni, Istituto Pluricomprensivo “gen. A. Cantore” – Val Pusteria – Brunico (BZ)


National curriculum guidelines include learning outcomes at the end of the third class of the first level secondary school, the knowledge and the use of the fractions for the calculation and the measure. Generally, the study of the fractions and the fractional calculation is proposed to the students during the second class. In this period, however, the students experience a particular moment of their physical and psychological growth, which brings them often not to have the right concentration and to refuse, where there are problems of calculation, complexes arguments that require the execution of many repetitive exercises such as fractions and fractional calculation.
To stimulate students and guide them towards the acquisition of the required competence, reference can be made to new technologies in teaching and the choice of collaborative methodologies. The project, therefore, envisages making use of coding (visual programming with Scratch 3.0) for the creation of a “Game” that allows us to explain what fractions are, making students work in small groups.

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Love: Common Thread between “old” and “new”


Federica Consolini, LiceoClassico “Manara” (Italia)
Nada Macerola, Scuola Secondaria di I grado “Cino da Pistoia”, Pistoia (Italia)


Given the universality of the Shakespearean world and its relevance even today, the learning situation addresses the theme of love starting from the famous author’s most popular work among young people: Romeo and Juliet. The teacher will let you discover the characteristics of the author as they emerge from the reading of some passages together and the students will be free to choose the part that they most liked so that they can then rework it even in a modern key, even though the use of digital technologies (for example the Edmondo platform).

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Learn as little geographers – play of lights and shapes


Loredana Cavalieri, I.I.S. Federico Caffè, Roma
Annamaria Ciocchetti, IC Frezzotti-Corradini, Latina
Rosamaria Seppoloni, IC GoffredoPetrassi, Roma
Emanuela Maria Grazia Provenzani, IC Cadeo, Piacenza


The project is addressed to all the classes of the Primary School; this flexibility means to respond to different needs and realities. The intent is to encourage the active and creative participation of pupils to the observation of the surrounding world, to know how to grasp his dimensions, creating connections and representations of observed reality, producing artistic and creative works playing with geometries and shapes. The motivation from which the project path starts is to propose to all primary school pupils an adequate proposal for growth and educational development capable of identifying, through discovery and curiosity, the relationships of the world a child reach: the classroom, the school, the streets, the neighborhood. This involved the pupils actively and participated, integrating classroom/laboratory activities mathematical, artistic, expressive and technological, also using work environments online.

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A Debate on Emotions


Vincenzo Campisi, II Istituto comprensivo “G. Falcone – P. Borsellino” di Cassibile-Siracusa
Emiliana Rufo, Istituto comprensivo “Parco di Veio” di Roma
Milva Rinaudo, Istituto comprensivo “Venasca-Costigliole Saluzzo” di Venasca-Cuneo


The objective of the learning situation is to make people reflect and discuss through a real task, carrying out a debate in open classes between third-year pupils of the upper secondary school, on a problem-situation, assigned by the teacher, about the field of emotions.

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Step by step to China


Castilla, Begue, Lorenzo, Gomez


Digital technological tools are a reality in Catalan classrooms that make it necessary to integrate them with the rest of “traditional”; competences or subjects and not only in the achievement of digital competence. Despite being a project developed by the Department of Physical Education, the objective is to work digital skills in conjunction with other competencies such as physical education, natural sciences, social, health promotion, religion, mathematics, and English. The main contents that are intended to work are associated with the subject of physical education such as doing healthy physical activities, or sports and leisure time, communication and body language. But other content of other subjects, but above all the Technological one, with basic contents in the field of information and communication technology, was also worked on. The methodology will be based on proposing challenges to students where they will work on the different subjects involved, through technological or digital tool.

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Roman Europe


Davida, Gudel, Olm, Sellares


The learning situation is aimed at students of Higher Cycle and is part of a school where students have access to Chromebooks or laptops/desktops with a good internet network. Our proposal takes into account different areas and therefore, is interdisciplinary. These are the three key areas: linguistic, environmental and digital knowledge. In a brief summary, the student will be a soldier of the Roman army in the discovery of the different territories of the empire, where he will discover different Romance languages and the characteristic features of Romanization.

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Prehistory. Reflecting upon the past with technology


Bayot, Brodard, Torras, Vallori


The learning situation is aimed at students of Primary Education Students (“sisé” which equivalates to age: 11 in Catalonia) and it is designed on prehistory. The work is developed in the areas of the Catalan Language and Social Sciences. Taking into account the interests of the students, this could be extended to the area of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

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