Inspire students to do their best with Seesaw, a free app for students’ engagement! Seesaw is a multimedia journal that empowers students to showcase what they’re learning at school. Seesaw is a platform that allows students to express themselves creating their
DECODE Final Conference: Digital Competences for education
The DECODE Final Conference “Digital Competences for education: Expertise, best practices and teaching in the XXI century” will to take place at Link Campus University in Rome on May 30, 2019. During the final conference, the project’s overall development will be discussed
Innovative tools: Class Dojo
One of the biggest problems as a teacher is to communicate with students’ families: Class Dojo is a free app that breaks down barriers across the classroom and home helping teachers and students to communicate with their families. ClassDojo connects teachers
“Practices, training and skills needs of digital teachers”: the report is online
The final version of the comparative survey “Practices, training and skills needs of digital teachers” is available in the DECODE “Outputs” page. The survey aims to detect experiences, skills and training needs of teachers involved with the aim of detecting strengths, areas for
Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century: The Power and Joy of Learning
European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) updated its Manifesto with the purpose of demonstrating the benefits of adult learning. The manifesto is targeted at European, national and regional policymakers in view of the upcoming European elections and will
The DECODE project comparative survey: key characteristics
The DECODE project comparative survey aims to detect experiences, skills and training needs of teachers involved with the aim of detecting strengths, areas for improvement and development prospects, encouraged by the changes observed in the new educational paradigm, through a
Innovative tools: Google Classroom
Many teachers desire a teaching tool able to simplify the activity within the classroom and exchange material between teachers and students Google Classroom was designed by Google to make the student learning process easier and allows teachers to: create courses
DECODE 3nd Multiplier Event
Discussing about teachers digital skills On tuesday the 23rd of October, was held the third DECODE project Multiplier Event, organised by Open University of Catalonia at CosmoCaixa in Barcelona, Spain. The event brought together trainers and education professionals to discuss
Event – “The challenges of the school in the digital era”
[Italian translation below] Link Campus University hosted on the 28th of March 2018 the event “The challenges of the school in the digital era”. The meeting has been organized in collaboration with Roma Tre University, ANP (national association of public
DECODE 2nd Multiplier Event – Presentations
Discussing about integrating ICT in education On Friday the 2nd of February, in Bucharest, RO was held the second DECODE project Multiplier Event. The event brought together trainers and education professionals to discuss how successfully integrate ICT in teaching and