The Spain digital education becomes everyday life

The further development of technology is the reason of a changing teaching-learning process. “mSchools” is a multi-faced mEducation programme of Mobile World Capital Barcelona that empowers students and teachers to integrate mobile technologies into classroom, opening up new ways of teaching and learning that improve achievement and employability.

“mShools” helps students to build important new digital skills and prepares them for today world. Through the programme they learn the skills that employers need. Practical problem solving, cutting-edge thinking, digital and communication skills are nowadays highly required competences.
“mSchools” offers digital tools that encourage project-based, interdisciplinary and collaborative learning, through the interaction of students with their environment and community.

A best practice adopted by “mSchools” is “Mobilitzem la Informàtica” (Mobilise computing). An experience for the optative course in “Informatics” of 4 of ESO.

The project’s aim is to design and develop an APP for mobile devices. The students work in groups of five people, and throughout the course the use of different tools and applications is considered. The course is focused on different topics: Multimedia Creations, Publication and dissemination of contents, and Tools for communication.

During the project students use different tools different tools mentored by experts, until they reach the final output. Therefore, the integration of ICT in this proposal is quite relevant, in addition to working in a very wide range of skills. It is a highly educational experience because it fosters the acquisition of several skills and knowledge (use of audio and video editing software, content management systems, mobile programming language, economics and marketing elements, cinematographic script, security and digital attitude, and ethical principles in the use of the ITC, etc).

To discover more about mSchool:

mSchools: the road to digitalization
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