Here below you can find the main project outputs.
O1 – Template for National Research and Tools
O1 A – The European Digital Pattern for Education
Description: This report provides a recognition of the EU resolutions, recommendations and scientific projects about the development of digital skills in education. It refers also to the most recent surveys, commissioned by the EU, and to international projects, founded by the EU.
O1 B – Template for national research and tool
Description: This document presents the template for the research that each country partner has to carry out at local level. The template aims to be a reference for all national equips, to give a common grid for collecting information; to present general guidelines to write and to present the national reports and to offer a proposal for the national researches index.
O2 – National Researches “Innovative training models, methods and tools for teachers
in the digital age”
Description: The aim of this report is to describe: innovative policies and significant experiences in all partner countries, a classification of profiles and skills of the operators of educational institutions in the field of ICT, some good practices and educational successful methodologies for training teachers to facilitate their integration of ICT in educational context and in learning processes.
O2 – National Reports
O3 – A Practical Guide for Schools – Quality Framework for Integrating ICT in the Teaching-Learning Process”
Description: The purpose of this research is to explore what evidence base currently exists for the adoption of ICT in the classroom. The content of each National Report has been gathered through a combination of analysis of key national documents and interviews with practitioners.
The results of these researches will be used to develop guides for practitioners, in order to support schools to maximise the potential which digital technology offers to add value to the classroom.
O3 A – Guidelines for educational institutions in the process of integrating ICT in education
O3 B – Transnational Report
O3 – National Reports
O4 – Comparative trends report “Practices, training and skills needs of the digital teachers”
Description: The comparative survey aims to detect experiences, skills and training needs of teachers involved with the aim of detecting strengths, areas for improvement and development prospects, encouraged by the changes observed in the new educational paradigm, through a multi-dimensional and multi-perspective approach. The comparative survey aims to reconstruct the digital innovation trend in educational agencies (meso level), supporting the accompanying demands of educational agencies.
O4 – National Reports
O5 – Testing training models for improve teachers’ competence for digital era”
Description: This report presents the training model in TDC developed in the framework of the DECODE project. This model (which constitutes IO5) was designed based on the detection of training needs as discovered via an online questionnaire that was completed by active teachers within the framework of IO4. This report shows the process of design, development and implementation of the training model based on a TDC seminar aimed at active teachers and which was implemented in Catalonia, Italy, Romania, Finland and the United Kingdom.
O6 – Final comparative Report “Guidelines for Teachers and Education Agencies”
Description: The IO6 report aims to illustrate the complexity and interdependence of the elements of influence in the reconstruction of the ongoing change. The publication, therefore, presents the restitution of the whole research process through the re-elaboration of the entire analysis path, to offer useful interpretative keys concerning the complexity investigated.
Download Executive Summary (IT)
Download Report “Guidelines for Teachers and Educational Agencies” (EN)
Description: The project e-Newsletter to inform about DECODE activities and results.
Download Newsletters