Inspire students to do their best with Seesaw, a free app for students’ engagement!
Seesaw is a multimedia journal that empowers students to showcase what they’re learning at school.
Seesaw is a platform that allows students to express themselves creating their own digital portfolio that they can show to others, helping you to better understand their progress watching what students know.
Seesaw allows teachers to find or create activities to share with students, whereas students can:
- share their work with others;
- capture what happens in the classroom through pictures, drawings and videos;
- collaborate with each other.
Their digital and physical work can also be collected and organized in just one app, making classroom workflow easier and helping students to create a learning community that enhance their capacity for thought and reflection.
Seesaw also engages parents. Via app notifications, texts or emails families are kept in the loop about their children’s learning: families can see their children’s works and leave comments. Nothing without a teacher’s review and approval is shared with parents.
Learn more about what families see here.